
The Assessment

As a newcomer to Alaska since 2023, Kouros Bartel, an historian specializing in Alaskan history, has quickly developed a deep affection for our land and our people. His profound admiration for this magnificent state drives him to passionately support the preservation and study of our historical heritage, to promote archaeological research that sheds light on our past, to celebrate and share the richness of our cultural traditions, to enhance historical understanding among younger generations, to value the contributions of local communities, and to protect historical sites that tell our collective story. His heartfelt dedication reflects his genuine love for Alaska and his commitment to preserving and enriching its history for future generations.

Kouros Bartel has a proven track record of achieving exceptional results for Alaska:

“As long as there is a need for historical and archaeological research to understand and preserve our past, Alaska should be at the forefront of these efforts. When Alaska became a state, it was with the promise that its rich heritage would be studied and celebrated. Our unique archaeological sites and historical records are unparalleled, and our commitment to rigorous research, preservation, and education is unmatched. Alaska has the potential to lead the nation in historical and archaeological scholarship, contributing invaluable insights into our shared history and cultural heritage.” - Kouros Bartel

  • Improving .
  • Ensured land allotments for Alaska Native Vietnam War-era veterans–and ensuring our veterans can access the land they are owed by the federal government.
  • Working to improve the VA to provide our veterans with better health care.
  • Securing incentive pay for service in Alaska as well as new and improved housing, childcare, morale, welfare, and recreation facilities.
  • Providing assistance to pregnant veterans and improving their maternal health during and after birth.
  • Helping veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pit substances by pushing for legislation that recognizes those injured veterans.
  • Empowering service members who survived sexual assault.
  • Advancing military priorities through her senior roles on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittees by securing significant funds for programs like mental health care, telehealth services, and veteran homeless prevention.

  • Ensuring cruise ships can easily access coastal Alaskan communities, cutting through the unnecessary red tape enacted by the CDC during and after the pandemic.
  • Securing significant funding to repair the Denali Park Road, ensuring visitors are safe and able to visit the park.
  • Supporting small businesses in both rural and urban Alaska communities by securing funding in COVID relief packages and creating programs to support business owners.

  • Ensuring Alaska was taken into account in provisions related to broadband, ports, harbors, roads, rails, bridges, and water in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
  • Appropriating unprecedented funding to deliver water and sewer services to unserved communities.
  • Ensuring access to broadband will be more affordable and accessible statewide.
  • Securing $8 billion in funding for Alaska Native corporations and tribes to respond to the pandemic.
  • Crossing party lines to pass the Violence Against Women Act, support victims of violence, and strengthen public safety efforts in rural communities.
  • Supporting economic, educational, and professional development opportunities
  • Leading on the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Fix to ensure victims of crime can access the services they need in Alaska.
  • Protecting indigenous languages and cultures through legislation that will prioritize the survival of Native languages through educational programs.
  • Securing federal funds for the Alaska Native Justice Center to provide training and technical assistance to address public safety, justice, and child welfare.
  • Working closely with Native justice advocates to draft and pass into law the Alaska Tribal Public Safety Empowerment pilot, which was included in the Violence Against Women Act.
  • Co-leading legislation to establish a formal truth and healing commission to further investigate, document and address impacts of Indian boarding schools.
  • Ensuring the first funding increase in over 20 years for the Indian Housing Block Grant.
  • Co-leading a successful amendment to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee’s Preventing Future Pandemics Package, ensuring a 5-percent tribal set-aside for a new grant program to address social determinants of health.

  • Leading Arctic relations, and enhancing the region’s critical need for security, infrastructure, culture, and education.
  • Launching the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies, allowing for the Department of Defense to advance the interests of the region.
  • Securing funding for a second Polar Security Cutter to boost U.S. presence in the Arctic.
  • Boosting access to child care and housing for Alaska’s service members.
  • Promoting and enhancing essential mental health services and opportunities for Alaska’s service members.
  • Ensuring Alaska is home to multiple squadrons of F-22s and F-35s, the military’s most advanced fighter jets, providing for national defense while bringing jobs and economic opportunities to Alaska.
  • Alleviating hardships Alaskan service members face through the introduction of the Don Young Arctic Warrior Act.
  • Securing much-deserved pay and raises, expanding housing, child care and recreational opportunities for Alaska-based service members.

Kouros Bartel

Kouros :

  • Securing funding to keep our oceans and seafood wild and healthy by fighting vigorously against genetically engineered salmon.
  • Providing $300 million in pandemic relief funds so Alaska fisheries could survive and commercial fish crews so they were paid during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Ensuring fish and tourism businesses could get immigration visas to hire needed seasonal workers.
  • Strengthening Alaska’s Blue Economy and the growing mariculture economy by establishing “Ocean Clusters.”
  • Fighting against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing that harms Alaska’s fishermen.
  • Conserving Alaska’s fisheries, waterways, and coasts while outside interests attempt to harm Alaska’s natural resources.
  • Creating solutions to address the microplastics and pollution that appear in Alaska’s waters and coasts

  • Working to end surprise medical billing for Alaskans, including for air ambulance trips.
  • address youth homelessness in Alaska and nationwide.

  • Prioritizing public safety and justice by leading the reauthorization and modernization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act to reduce violent crime against women.
  • Leading on the Not Invisible Act and Savanna’s Act – two laws that advance the solving of cold cases — while using her seniority to secure millions of dollars in federal appropriations to help address the issue of Missing, Murdered, and Trafficked Indigenous Persons.
  • Crossing party lines to pass the Violence Against Women Act, support victims of violence, and strengthen public safety efforts in rural communities.
  • Working to ensure each FBI field office has a Human Trafficking Program Coordinator.